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Taco Brothers Christmas Edition Slot Deposit Signup Bonus Slots

Everybody loves Christmas and this is the time when everything you see around is decked up with colourful themes and decoration. Taco Brothers Christmas Edition Slot Deposit Signup Bonus Slots brings out the festive mood. The theme is based on three Mexican brothers trying to save the Christmas from an evil captain. In this Taco Brothers Christmas Edition Slot deposit signup bonus slots o'yin, Agar g'alaba qozonish mumkin 243 turli yo'llarini taklif besh g'ildirak bilan o'ynash mumkin. Slotning orqa fon tasviri - bu hayratlanarli darajada qor yog'ayotgan va juda ta'sirli ko'rinadigan Meksikaning eski shahri. Ushbu o'yinning garovi 0,10 funt sterlingdan 50 funt sterlinggacha va o'yin rang-barang grafikalar va qiziqarli musiqiy trekka ega. Just Sign up, Try and Spend to Earn!


Play Your Favourite Taco Brothers Christmas Edition Slot deposit signup bonus slots - Hozir ro'yxatdan o'ting!


Ushbu Rojdestvoda depozitni ro'yxatdan o'tkazmaslik uchun bonusli uyalar mavjud game was developed by Elk Studios(NYX). They are a creative online casino game solution provider with several award winning slots played at casinos around the world. You can play their games using your iOS or Android mobile devices as well.

About Taco Brothers Christmas Edition Slot deposit signup bonus slots


Taco Brothers Christmas Edition Slot Deposit Signup Bonus Slots


In this game, you can play with a variety of colorful and attractive symbols. The main symbols of this slot are images of three brothers; Paso, Pepe and Pico. The one that pays the most is the symbol of oldest brother Paso who gives you 400x on your stakes with five of his symbols on the reels. Pepe and Pico pay you 300x and 100x respectively with five of their kind. The low paying symbols here are a Christmas decorated guitar, a cactus, a tequila bottle and a lantern with a shovel. They pay you 80x when five of any of them show up on the reels. The golden bell, the game logo and a safe symbol are the three bonus features.

  • Yovvoyi bonus: Oltin qo'ng'iroq - bu hech qanday depozitni ro'yxatdan o'tkazmaydigan bonus uyalarining yirtqichidir o'yin. Bu o'yinning barcha belgilarini qamrab oladi va barcha beshta g'ildirakda paydo bo'lishi mumkin.
  • Taco Brother's Wild: O'yin logotipi qo'shimcha yirtqich belgidir. Ushbu belgining ikkitasi uchta xavfsiz belgini uchirish uchun ko'proq aylanish uchun qayta aylantirishni boshlaydi. Uchta xavfsiz belgi bonusli o'yinni uyg'otadi, u erda portlash xavfsiz o'yinlar davomida barcha aylanishlarni hisobga oladigan ko'paytmalarni aniqlab beradi.
  • Yovvoyi tabiatni ishlatish: Bepul aylantirish paytida uchta birodar 5-g'altakka tushadi va har bir belgi yugurishni faollashtiradi. Birodarlarni qamoqqa tashlagan kapitan Diazning ramzi paydo bo'lganda daraja tugaydi. Agar Senorita shu darajada paydo bo'lsa, u ularni qamoqdan ozod qiladi va qaytadan qaytadan boshlanadi. Bu erda siz katta miqdordagi mukofotlarga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin.



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With a colorful theme and entertaining Mexican brothers, this no deposit signup bonus slots o'yin sizning ulushingizda 150000 marta g'alaba qozonish imkoniyatini beradi.